What is idJack?
The digital event manager & marketing professional
with fair ticketing and a whole new event experience
With idJack you present your events automatically on the event platform point25 - totally free. With your digital-only tickets, created in seconds, you increase the reach of your events and enhance the event experience of your guests, which are manage contactlessly and easily in a GDPR-compliant manner.
With the idJack marketing tool, you can also bring a marketing professional into the house: idJack gives your visitors a face and provides your intended target audience with precise information.
Create an event experience that is smart & safe. Don't leave your location & your event to chance.
Visit the point25 Events
Why idJack?
The all-rounder that makes your life easier
and your visitors more satisfied
To whom is idJack useful?
You want to run your event, your location or your company safely & smartly?
Then you have come to the right place with idJack.
From the festival to the club.
And everything that
is in between.
From sports events to museums.
What's next?
idJack could also be interesting for your company!
You organize events and you are fed up with sluggish and unfair ticketing? You would like to make changes to events and already bought tickets within seconds? You run a bar or club and want to find out more about your guests? You have no idea who your guests are? You want to know how popular past events were? You organize sport events and have to manage entry for many visitors at the same time? You still having flyers printed and still not reaching your target audience?
We'll show you how idJack can be integrated into your company and how, in combination with point25, you can benefit from it.
Contact us - we will contact you shortly for a non-binding conversation.